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Resource and Talent Planning

University: Barony College

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 21 / Words 5342
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Organization Selected : Logistic organization


Logistic organization are those who provide logistic solutions to other companies. In this various services are included such as managing freight, warehousing and stock management. Other companies mainly outsource there functions to logistic company in order to enhance supply chain and with lower cost (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). There company are mainly third party logistics related services provider and they are specialised in this particular area. This report is based on DHL supply chain which is dealing in logistic industry. It headquarter is in Bonn, Germany and its key person is John Gilbert who is CEO of this company. There are approx 200 employees working in this company. Respective company is mainly organized in six regions that are North America, South America, APAC, greater China, MLEMEA and United Kingdom and Ireland.

Question 1

1.1) Define two country in which organisation is based and identify both countries labour market trends

DHL supply chain offer there products and services in various countries market such as North America, South America, APAC, greater China, MLEMEA and United Kingdom (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler, 2012). Explanation of labour market condition of United Kingdom and China is mentioned below:-

Condition of labour market trends of United Kingdom:-

Wage: In United Kingdom salary of employees is major issues which they face because wage are not rise by company according to situation and condition (Glenn, 2012). In last 10 years price of goods and services arise more faster than salary of employees.

Unemployment: Unemployment rate of United Kingdom get increase as compare to last few years. Companies are fire employees because they are not able to pay salary in effective manner.

Condition of labour market trends of China:-

Salary: In China labour market employees are demanding more salary to company which affect company costing and profitability ratio.

Export and Import: China labour market get affected due to there export and import policies and regulations.

1.2) Explain significant of tight and loose labour market condition

Tight Labour market:- It is a situation in which there is more as compare to workers. In this mainly employees or individuals are seeking jobs as well as employers are seeking candidates who conduct and accomplish jobs (Cooke, Saini and Wang, 2014).

  • In this situation less or minimum peoples are unemployed and it also enhance standard of living of peoples. This will also enhance economic condition of country. Such as in context of DHL supply chain, when they introduce or promote about particular position or vacancy. They get huge number of application forms of applicants who want to apply for particular position.

Lose Labour market:- It refers to situation or condition in which there is huge availability of workers who are looking for a job or job openings. In this employer hire employees according to there selected wage rate or by not increasing current wage rate.

  • In this situation new develop organisation or start up get opportunities to hire employees this will also help them in enhancing economic conduction of country as well as individual. In respect of DHL supply chain which is popular logistic company due to which they are getting applications of candidates who want to work with them even they are not announced any opening. In this situation respective company get opportunity to hire appropriate or those applicant who they like in their offer salary.

1.3) How organisation position and based themselves in competitive labour markets

For adopting labour market in effective and appropriate manner company will conduct market analysis and evaluation. By which they able to understand and identify appropriate labour market for themselves (Guerci and Solari, 2012). If respective company effectively select labour market they able to enhance economic condition and standard of living of employees. By which this also able to hire appropriate employees which help them in gaining competitive advancement at marketplace.

Question 2

1.4) Description about role of government, employers and trade unions in ensuring future skills, provide examples

To enhance talent of employees in an organisation government, employer and trade union plays major role. This is so because they provide various type of training and development opportunities to staff so that they attain goal in effective manner. In DHL supply chain role of employer, government and trade union in order to enhance and ensure future skills of employees. Whose explanation is given below:-

Role of government:-

For enhancing future skills government of United Kingdom plays major role by providing funds to employees who want to do apprenticeships for enhancing more knowledge and ability (H.Church, 2014). Government of UK provide funds and organized training sessions to employees which help them in increasing there knowledge, skills and ability. Along with this company and government also get tie up for some training and development programs. Such as Government of United Kingdom provide apprenticeships in which employees or any person get on the job training in which they can also earn money. These training and development are carry out or provide by experts and professional in specific field. For example- There are various agencies with respective company can tie up to training to employees such as The Skills Funding Agency, Skills Development Scotland, The Welsh Assembly Government, European Union Social Funds and many more (Longenecker and Fink, 2013). By this staffs get opportunities to enhance and update there skills and ability to accomplish work in effective manner.

Role of employer:-

In United Kingdom organisation provide training and development session to there employees which help them in enhancing there skills and ability in effective and appropriate manner. By this employer and employees both feel motivated and attain goal and objectives in effective and efficient manner. Employer or manger of DHL Supply Chain provide training to employees by using both training methods that are on the job training and off the job training. These are basically based on job role and task which employees are performing or they can perform in future. There are various type of training programmes which can be provided by respective company to there employees are management of supply chain, operations an d supply chain and many more. For example- Employer of respective company develop training and develop programmes according to requirement and need. In an organization employers plays an essential and important role, this is so because they develop strategies and policies according to situation and employees. For this employer conduct evaluation of market as well as workplace and understand situation then respectively develop strategies and plans. They also plan training and development sessions which encourage employees to work such as training of new technology, motivational sessions, conduct meeting and activities and many more.

Role of trade union:-

In an organisation trade union provide and organise training and development session for employees so that they attain goal in effective and appropriate manner (Meyers, Van and Dries, 2013. Trade unions are group of worker and staffs who come together to attain any common goal like ensure and improve safety, better wage, enhance in benefits and many more. For example- Trade unions of DHL supply chain arrange and organize training and development session according to requirement of employees.

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Question 3

2.1 Main principles of effective workforce planning and give examples of any tools

In an organisation, they are face tremendous pressure rapidly to transform vastly due to both external and internal factors. Effective workforce planning enables an organisation which help in building and developing strong talent pipeline that ensure about right number of employees with the accurate skills are deployed in the right place at right time (Nickson, 2013). Along with this, it will assist in reduces the job losses due to skills obsolescence as well as minimise the time and cost spent in order to replace workers and provide new trainees. DHL company are required to analyse principles of effective workforce planning which are described as under:

Principles of Effective Workforce Planning:

  • Setting strategy - It is the major principle which involves the way of describing and explaining how they are set strategies and policies for gaining appropriate results or outcomes in better manner. This is required for DHL firm is to set accurate strategy which assist them in clearly shown their direction where they need to reached. For gaining high success and profitability, company need to set appropriate strategies that assist them in identify total workforce and another required manpower who have ability to handle and manage all business operations and its functions effectively.
  • Key stakeholders involvement - For planned what question asks give exampling of effective workforce, an organisation required to analyse stakeholders involvement in business activities and functions (Nilsson and Ellström, 2012). The key stakeholders main duty is to interact and communicate with their employees who are doing work for reaching with set goals and targets. It is necessary for DHL company stakeholders is to make decisions as per the requirements and demand of customers and also try to satisfy their needs effectively. Stakeholders in respective company are employers, employees, creditors and others.
  • Determining key skills and competencies required- It is required for an organisation manager by which they able to analyse candidates skills and abilities before hire them. All company managers are plan for recruiting skilled and qualified employees who have ability to reach with set goals and targets. This is another major role of company manager is to determine capabilities and abilities of employees for give them appropriate position as per their skill. By effective skills an employer able to develop rules, strategies, plans and policies according to situations in effective manner. Along with this they also able to develop unique and innovative products by which they gain competitive advancement.
  • Gap analysis - It is the method and technique of assessing difference between business information system and application in order to determine whether business meet with goals and targets effectively (Sparrow and Makram, 2015). In DHL company, manager analyse gap between employees expectations and employees experiences that can lead towards success and development.
  • Developing human capacity - This is another principle of effective workforce planning in which manager requires to develop human capacity that can assist in reaching with potential goals. It is helpful in developing better future for an organisation and conduct forecast issues which may occurred. In respect of DHL supply chain, their manager develop various activities as well as training sessions. Such as motivational sessions, training according to requirements, conduct activities to encourage employees and many more.

Effective Workforce Planning Tools:

It is the procedure for analysing current workforce and it determining future manpower requirement and needs, also identifying gap between workforce that are available for reaching with desired goals and targets. There are various tools and techniques which can be used by DHL company for workforce planning such as forecasting, recruitment, contingent workforce, leadership development and retention planning.

Workforce strategy - It is the core business procedures which align for changing organisation requirements and needs with people strategy. Along with this, it will provide market and industry intelligence which assist company in concentrate on range of issues and challenges. DHL develop such strategy for hiring right employees who have ability to handle all logistic work in better manner.

Span and gap analysis- It is that technique which can be used by businesses to determining needs and requirement of the customers (SparrowHird and Cooper, 2015). Gap analysis forces a company which reflect on skills and competencies of employees while doing work.

Organisational benchmarking - It is the way of exploring best performance which has to be reached by company, employees and entire industry. This technique will be used for identify gaps in an organisation's processes in order to achieve a competitive benefits. DHL firm can used this method for analyse their employees as well as company performance in proper manner.

Question 4

2.2) Develop and provide a basic succession and career development plan

Career development: It is a continuous process which is adopted by an individual in order to manage learning, working, developing career and many more. By this a person or individual able to develop or grow their future career in effective and appropriate manner. It can be done through various ways such as develop goal and plans to attain them in effective manner, develop time limit to achieve it, join some classes and many more. In context of respective company they develop policies and plans through which one can develop its career in effective manner to get higher position and more salary. For this they also provide some essential training and development courses so that they can develop their skills in order to develop career.

Succession planning: It refers to a process through which new leader can develop which can replace old one when they leave company, retire or die. By this an organisation able to get new leader with unique and innovative ideas who conduct and develop strategies in more effective and appropriate manner in order to attain goal as well as objectives. In respect of DHL supply chain they recruit new leader according to need and requirement. Along with this who are skilled and knowledgable in order to manage organisation in effective manner. For identifying new and appropriate leader company will conduct analysis so that they identify candidates who can perform particular task. Along with this they also perform some test to identify appropriate leaders who can manage organisation in effective manner.

Basic Succession Plan:-


Critical position 1

Ready Now

Required 1 to 2 years

Required more than 2 years



·Ramli Bakar

·Lee Tai Hue

·Irene Soo

·Abu Hassan

·Selina Chan

·Rebecca Rao

·Kan weng


·Joseph Wan


Critical position 2

Ready Now

Required 1 to 2 years

Required more than 2 years

Customer Supervisor

·Wong wai

·Abu Nirm

·Knoo Tien

·Wee lee

·Solina Chan

·Chun Wee


Critical position 3

Ready Now

Required 1 to 2 years

Required more than 2 years



·Michael Won

·Wong Lai

·Sun Nizam



Critical position 4

Ready Now

Required 1 to 2 years

Required more than 2 years

Purchasing Specialist


·Lee Wong


·Ramili Wee

Career Development Plan:-

Performance Summary

As a logistic manager I perform various various activities like planning and managing logistic, warehouse, customers services and transportation. I direct or guide and coordinate to whole logistic order cycle so that it will run effectively. Along with this I deal and negotiate with suppliers, manufacturers, retailers as well as customers.

Career Goal

According to me I just effectively completed my current position role as Logistic Manager so now my short term goal is to get higher position in my specific field. I also know that I may face various competencies while working at high position as Senior Logistic Manger but I want to work and face these issues in order to attain goal in effective manner.

Areas of Strength

Areas for Development

·I have very good logical reasoning.

·I am good in Information technology skills.

·I am able to take quick decision in any situation or circumstances.

·I would like to enhance my communication skills so that I can convey messages to others n appropriate and effective manner.

·I also want to increase by managerial skills which help me in conducting work in more appropriate manner.

2.3) Provide evidence to show your contribution to plans for downsizing an organisation

Downsizing refers to methods which is use to reduce size of organisation and operational cost in order to improve or enhance efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of an organisation. In this member who are not working effectively and efficiently lose their jobs which is occur due to downsizing. There are various role of HR manager at DHL supply chain (Longenecker and Fink,2013). Such as they so recruitment, provide training according to recruitment, downsize employees when necessary and many more. For conducting downsizing HR first evaluate and identify those employees who are not performing effectively and efficiently. Then then discuss them why they are performing low and accordingly HR manager provide training and development session so that they enhance there performance. If after that also particular individual not perform effectively then HR manager want them and downsize them due to their performance.

2.4) Your contribution to development of job description, person specifications and competency frameworks

HR manager in an organisation plays major and important role such as recruiting employees, designing job description and personal specification for vacant position, train employees and many more. HR manager of DHL Supply Chain identify and requirement of employees at particular position then they analysis particular work and develop personal specification, job description and competency frameworks (Newhall,2015). That include information related to what type of employees respective company want so that work is conduct and accomplish in effective manner. Information which HR include in these documents are job profile, skills required, responsibilities and many more.

Question 5

2.5) Main legal requirement in relation to recruitment and selection

There are various legal Acts which can be use by DHL supply chain for recruiting and selecting appropriate candidates. Some major of them are mentioned below:-

Data protection Act (1998)-

In this Act the organisation ned to make certain laws to protect the personal data on the basis of the computer based system. DHL make certain recommendation that if any person holding the personal data of the organisation then it is legally obligated (Stredwick, 2013). It necessary to maintain certain principles in which any employee of the organisation would never steal its personal data, if they steal then the government can abide the certain laws. There are certain exceptions in which all employees of the organisation have to check certain laws which has been abided by them.

Equality Act (2010)-

It is the Act in which equal rights is been given to all the employees in the organisation. DHL provides equal laws which is been provided to all the employees in the organisation. There is no age discrimination between the female employees or the male employees in the organisation. There are certain characteristics that the DHL formed to protect each and every employee of the organisation- Age, Gender, sex and etc. In this all managers of the DHL have to give the proper rights so that all employees are be satisfied.

GDPR Act (2018)-

This Act basically focuses on protecting all the information of the individuals in the organization. The purpose of this Act is that is top provide good services to all employees in DHL so that they can fulfil their needs (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). This can make its impact to all the country wide in which all individuals information is been stored properly. In the DHL, it is been using this Act so that all employees data to be stored properly, nobody in Act to steal their data. If the company fail to adopt the GDPR then they have to give the certain penalty. This Act gave the power to all the employees of their organisation so that work properly and gave them all the information regarding this Act.

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2.6) Strength and weakness of two different method of recruitment and selection

Recruitment and selection is a process and techniques by which a company able to get appropriate person for vacant position at workplace. DHL supply chain can use various method for conducting recruitment and selection process, some major methods which they can select are describe below:-

Advertising in media:- It is a techniques which is use by a company in order to advertise vacancy or requirement within an organization (Briscoe, Tarique and Schuler, 2012). Media is of various type such as print, digital and social media. Respective company use all these media to advertisement related to recruitment.


  • By this company able to focus or cover major population due to which they get maximum number of applicants for vacant position and form that DHL can select and recruit appropriate candidate.


  • Limitation of this process is that it is little bit expensive and time taking. Respective company has to wait for getting applications of candidates.

Individual Interview:- This is also know as face to face interview. In which interviewer ask questions to interviewee in order to check their confidence, knowledge, skills, ability and many more (Cooke, Saini and Wang, 2014). DHL manager can conduct individual interview by which they able to analysis candidates skills and ability to perform particular work.


  • By this manger of DHL able to analysis interviewee in appropriate manner and both of them can clear there issues in appropriate manner.


  • Conducting face to face interview is time taking and costly because company has to create ambiance accordingly.

Question 6

3.1) Reason of way people stay and leave organisation

Reasons to stay people in company.

There are various reasons so that people stay in DHL Express are mentioned below:

Career growth, learning and development:

Purpose to foster a desire between workers to want to stay with firm. Most of the employees are focus towards the opportunities for their development. So, DHL express provides regular training so that their employees feel that they are learning something (Glenn, 2012). If companies workers understand that their skills acquired from training are helpful for their growth, promotion etc.

Fair pay:

Fair pay means in context of both job as well as area where company is located. Most of the employees are concerned regarding their pay. So, this is also the essential reason for people stay. \work company is providing to their employees for that any incentives, bonus and so on are facilitated to them or not. DHL express are giving fair incentives to their employees in accomplishment of targets.

Reasons to leave company:

There are some reasons because of that employees leave organisation are mentioned below:

Devalue and disrespect:

Employees who do not feel valued or get respects from their higher authorities at workplace will leave (Guerci and Solari, 2012). This is simply an problem that workers are not stay in company. Disrespect in firm causes a important diminution into productivity as well. So, DHL express should value as well as respect their workers in order to minimise employee turnover.

Inflexible time schedule:

Employers as well as supervisors many times forgot that workers has life apart from work and fail to provide a flexible time schedule. Generally in DHL express provide more work to their employees which can not be accomplished on fixed time. So, working hour are fluctuating from Monday to Friday which is considered as a burden for their workers they are not able to give time to themselves or family. Thus, respective company should fixed their working time.

3.2) Strength and weakness of different approaches of retaining talents

An organisation can adopt various approaches and methods in order to retain appropriate and effective employees. Some major of them are explain below:-

Financial Benefits:- When DHL supply chain retain there employees in appropriate and effective manner they able to save funds and capital which they have to invest in recruitment (H.Church, 2014). There is also no need to train old and effective employees which seems as financial benefits.


  • By this respective company able to invest that amount of money in some other appropriate place. Along with this employees feel motivated and encourage to work in proper manner. By gaining financial benefit an organization able to invest that capital in production process to make them effective by which productivity of employees get increased.


  • When DHL supply Chain retain more employees they have to pay them and old employees demand more salary as compare to old one which seem as a limitation of talent retention.

Job enrichment: It refers to process and techniques in which two or more then two tasks are combined and allotted to single employee (Longenecker and Fink, 2013). Which motivate employees that they are getting more responsibility.


  • It is useful for both employees as well as DHL supply chain. It is so because employees get achievement, recognition and self actualization. Along with this productivity of organization also get increased because employees are getting more and more responsibilities.


  • In various case or situation job enrichment didn't give appropriate and effective result. Due to which respective company has to make changes and employees oppose this because they are not much flexible.

Flexible Working: It refers to a situation when employees get flexible working at a workplace. It means they are no bounded to work particular task in particular time, employees can accomplish their task when they want. In respect of DHL supply chain they will provide facility to do work from home. According to which employees can do their work from when they not want to goat workplace.

  • Strengths: By this employees of particular company feel motivated and encourage to work. This is so because they are getting facility to accomplish their work from any place and at any time.
  • Weaknesses: major limitation of this is, some employees didn't want to come office due to which they always take work from home which develop inappropriate situation or conduction at a workspace.

Question 7

4.1) Recommendation to organisation on good and lawful practices for managing dismissal, retirement and redundancies

In a company there are various activities which is based on legislation and workplace has to adopt and follow it which help them in conducting work in smooth and effective manner. DHL supply chain managers adopt good and lawful practices for effectively managing dismissal, retirement and redundancies, which are explained below:-

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Dismissal:- It refers to activities which is related to terminate or firing of employees by there manger and it against the will of employee (Meyers, Van and Dries, 2013). In United Kingdom for fair dismissal government create an Act that is employment Right Act, 1996 that is also followed by DHL Supply Chain. According to which company has to provide notice to employees before 1 months of dismissal and they employer did not dismiss a staff on basis of period of their service, pregnancy, unwell health and many more.

Retirement:- It refers to situation or condition when a person withdraw from a particular position or occupation or activity and it is happen after a particular time period of age (Nickson, 2013). In United Kingdom company didn't force there employees to take retirement, if a person want to work beyond 65 years they can work. In context of DHL supply chain they provide to pension services to there employee's old age.

Redundancies:- It refers to situation when employer terminate and dismiss employees to reduce there cost (Nilsson and Ellström, 2012). In this situation employer of a company terminate those employees who they didn't want or needed. For this government of United Kingdom develop Act that is related to payment (Redundancy Payments Act, 1965). This is adopted by DHL Supply chain and according to this they pay approx 10 days salary to employees before terminating them.

Sales Planning


As per the above described report, it can be analysed that workforce planning is the procedure for analysing current workforce and it determining future manpower requirement and needs, also identifying gap between workforce that are available for reaching with desired goals and targets. It is required for analysing principle of effective workforce planning that can be used for set strategy in order to reach with desired goals and targets effectively.


  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Briscoe, D., Tarique, I. and Schuler, R., 2012. International human resource management: Policies and practices for multinational enterprises. Routledge.
  • Cooke, F. L., Saini, D. S. and Wang, J., 2014. Talent management in China and India: A comparison of management perceptions and human resource practices. Journal of World Business. 49(2). pp.225-235.
  • Glenn, T., 2012. The state of talent management in C anada's public sector. Canadian Public Administration. 55(1). pp.25-51.
  • Guerci, M. and Solari, L., 2012. Talent management practices in Italy-implications for human resource development. Human Resource Development International. 15(1). pp.25-41.
  • Church, A., 2014. Succession planning 2.0: Building bench through better execution. Strategic HR Review. 13(6). pp.233-242.
  • Longenecker, C. O. and Fink, L. S., 2013. Creating human-resource management value in the twenty-first century: Seven steps to strategic HR. Human Resource Management International Digest. 21(2). pp.29-32.
  • Meyers, M. C., Van Woerkom, M. and Dries, N., 2013. Talent—Innate or acquired? Theoretical considerations and their implications for talent management. Human Resource Management Review. 23(4). pp.305-321.
  • Nickson, D., 2013. Human resource management for hospitality, tourism and events. Routledge.

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