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Skills for the Social Sciences

University: Telford

  • Unit No: 9
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3169
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 431
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Report shows effectiveness of academic writing. Academic writing is a professional writing that are easy to understand by their readers. This writing provides description about a particular topic that their reader wants to read. Different type of academic writing is provided in this topic and their importance for their readers to understand. Report shows impact of cyberbullying and how it effects daily and routine life of the victims who are effected by cyberbullying, report shows cyberbullying on social media and it effects on youngsters and students and how it effects their academic performance. Effects of cyberbullying on mental health of their victims.


Key academic writing style and their importance

Academic writing style aim to make their readers understand. Academic writing must be simple so that readers are able to understand Assignment help it effectively. Writing needs to be focused on a topic that helps them to develop their effectiveness. Academic writing is planned so that readers are able to understand its effectiveness(Belcher, 2019.) . Provide knowledge of a subject on which report is prepared. Writing objective is to inform reader about the subject. Writing needs to be organised effectively. Academic writing is done after proper research and planning on the basis of their purpose.  

Types of academic writing


This style of academic writing is one of the most simple style of writing a report. Writing provide proper summary and define each and every topic effectively so that reader is able to understand it easily. Report aim is to provide important facts and information to their readers.


Analytical reports needs to be organized in different categories and parts. Needs to compare different type of theories to develop one effective theory. Analytical writing needs time to develop and plan, require to find different ideas and facts. Clear introduction is provided to reader and report is prepared on paragraph and sections.


Persuasive writing means when a writer puts his own view while writing report with his creativity and ability. Writer needs to provide their own point of view on this topic needs to provide proper evidence on each and every thing written on report. This kind of writing style is essential to show and reflect own view point in most systematic manner.


Critical writing in which writer compares to two different point of views(AlHassan and Wood, 2015.). Needs to analyse all parts of their report needs to provide their own opinion about their work. Proper referencing on the topic is required. Writing a critical report needs effective skills in a writer. Critical writing style is very important as it supports in understanding each area properly so that justified answers can be generated.

Importance of academic writing

  • Academic writing style is important to communicate effectively.  Academic writing is very essential fort the growth of student as it enhance their skills and develop opportunities for them . By this way they become able to interact with others in efficient manner.
  • Helps readers to understand each and every part in a report.
  • It helps to build creativity in an writer. Writing helps to clarify thoughts of an individual.
  • Helps to compare and evaluate each and every part of their report.

Search process

Researcher have searched the online articles , books, journals of other authors on the same topic. This has helped in developing understanding about the subject area. Scholar has first taken initiative where aim and objective of study was decided and then selection of appropriate articles was done. Clarify related to subject areas enhanced and sentences are formed according to example of assignment searched articles. Collection of data is one and presentation of all the relevant details is done and at last assessment of information is done. 

Figure 1information search process

(Source: The Information Search Process, 2019)


Quantitative articles

Article 1 :Is Cyberbullying a Stand Alone Construct? Using Quantitative Analysis to Evaluate a 21st Century Social Question

Randa, R., Nobles, M.R. and Reyns, B.W., 2015. Is cyberbullying a stand alone construct? Using quantitative analysis to evaluate a 21st century social question. Societies. 5(1). pp.171-186.

Cyberbullying means fraud or harassment to someone by using electronic means then it effects overall welfare of society. Study will evaluate various articles and will show the methods and results of these articles.


Social media is one of the most important platform that effects overall development of each and every person. Cyberbullying over social platforms effects overall development of young kids and teens. As large number of people are using social media bullying over there is also rises it effects overall development of teenagers. Girls are the main victims as compare to boys over social media(Whittaker and Kowalski, 2015.) . Embarrassing videos and photos posted on social media effects mental health of teenagers. Cyberbullying is a growing problem in youngsters. Internet and digital platforms are used in a harmful way and become one major threats over society. Social media is a platform where people engaged with each other and post their pictures and videos and chances of theft of personal information is also rises. Cyberbullying means insulting someone or effect someone image that effects their overall development (Randa, Nobles and Reyns, 2015).

Methods used

To prevent cyberbullying needs to prepare an electronic system to identify risk and take required actions to prevent those risk. Device helps to identify those who are part of cyberbullying take required actions against them. 1232 samples were experienced or involved in this study. Cross tabulation method was used initially to generate results. Item reliability analyses was done. Principle component analyses is also applied. Exploratory method was used to explore the research area. Online gaming environment has affected lives of youth. In the 21st century such cyber bullying is affecting the live of youth badly. Researcher has used  statistical tools that supported scholar in getting authentic answers.


Social media is a platform where gathering information about someone and effects their image become easy for an individual. Social media becomes a platform where cyberbullying become easy. Use of electronic system helps to prevent those problems.


Cyberbullying effects overall development of an individual on an social media. And different system securities are used to prevent problem and develop effectiveness.

Article 2 Automatic Detection of Cyberbullying in Social Media Text

Van Hee, C., Jacobs, G., Emmery, C., Desmet, B., Lefever, E., Verhoeven, B., De Pauw, G., Daelemans, W. and Hoste, V., 2018. Automatic detection of cyberbullying in social media text. PloS one. 13(10).           

Cyberbullying plays a negative impact on each and every individual who becomes victim of those bullying's. But students between age of 12-18 have a large impact due to those bullies. Because they are not able to manage those problems and insults due to lack of information about the uses of cyberbullying (Van Hee and, 2018).

Methods used

Schools and teachers needs to guide those teenagers about use of cyberbullying and it effects on their daily life routine and how they are able to cope up with those changes. Parents needs to take a part in students life and try to solve problems of their in their routine life. GNU Wget software was used for data crawling. Cohen's Kappa method of analyses is used in this research and reliability test was done. Binary classification experiments used to support results. Cross validation and holdout score was calculated. This kind of experiments and framing of hypotheses helped scholar in generating valid and effective results.


If proper information about pros and cons of use of social media is given to kids then they are able to solve their problems on their own(Holfeld and Mishna, 2018.). And take necessary actions against those problems.  Schools needs to analyse problems of each and every student try to provide necessary solutions to solve their problems.


Overall article shows the effects of cyberbullying on students and how they overcome those problems with proper guidelines from their teachers and parents.

Article 3 Cyberbullying impact on today's youth

Noll, H., 2016. Cyberbullying: Impacting Today's Youth.

Due to increase in smart phones and engagement of large number of people with social media effects daily life and  routines of youngsters. Use of social media and posting pictures and videos effects their personal life and chances of frauds and lose of their information is also increases due electronic devices. Cyberbullying impact life and mental health of the students at a large scale.

Methods use

Government needs to provide proper information about negative impacts of access use of social media on their daily lives. Youth need to take proper care while they are using social media as platform to provide their personal information(Noll, 2016.) . Social media platforms need to take proper care about security of their users. Parents of students needs to promote positive mental health and helps them to overcome cyberbullying. Quantitative approach is used, it is retrospective in nature.  20 participants were involved in this research. Survey method was used to gather the information. Mean , mode was used to generate results. Researcher has used  purposive sampling method and also used statistical tool that has supported in getting more accurate results and answering research questions in effective manner.


Proper care an information is provided to students that helps to protect them from harmful bullies. And necessary steps taken by social media platforms helps them to develop necessary security measures.


Article shows impact of social media and cyberbullying on daily life of youth and how they are able to overcome those problems. And effect of those bullies on their mental health. Parents and social media platforms help them to overcome those problems effectively.

Qualitative article

Article 1 Cyberbullying  from students perspective

Kakai, G., 2016. Cyberbullying from students' perspectives: a qualitative study.   

Cyberbullying is increased due to access use of resources like mobile phones, tablets and internet. Cyberbullying plays worse impact on life of students, and large number of students are become a part of cyberbullying.

Methods used

Strategies are used to prevent cyberbullying because it impacts overall life of students at a large scale(Marczak and Coyne, 2016.) . After analysing views of students they want their teachers to get information about cyberbullying and teach consequences of those bullying to their students. Students want their schools and faculty take a part in preventing cyberbullying. Schools need to ban use of mobile phones and electronic devices in student to prevent cyberbullying. Data is collected by using interview method. Qualitative approach was used to Geology Topics develop in-depth understanding about topic (Kakai, 2016). Theories and model were used to answer research questions. In this scholar has used descriptive design that has helped in involving theories only to find out actual answers of research questions.


Bullying effects students in many ways like mental health and suicides and students are getting demotivated to attend school. Teachers and schools needs to develop proper planning and policies to prevent cyberbullying effects in their students. Due to cyberbullying large number of young generation is going into stress and it effects their daily life.


Instagram and all other social media platforms which large number of youngsters are using are rising chances of fraud and bullying in an individual. Schools need to be informed when an unethical activities or cyberbullying done on internet in school premises.

Article 2 cyberbullying and academic performance.

Faryadi, Q., 2011. Cyber bullying and academic performance. Online Submission. 1(1). pp.23-30.


Article aim is to understand mental state and conditions of victims of cyberbullying and provide them necessary actions to prevent their problems. Cyberbullying puts an emotional and psychological stress on victims. Large number of individuals are suffered emotionally due to cyberbullying. Due to cyberbullying students are not able to concentrate on their studies and it effects their overall performance in an organization. Large number of students are become a part of cyberbullying and less concentration on their studies and effects performance of all other effective students of schools to develop their negative image in minds of others.

Methods used

Schools also prevent bullying to improve performance of their students by guiding them about bullying and prepare strict rules and policies against students who are part of cyberbullying. If students who are become part of bullying other then teachers needs to necessary steps like punishment to solve this problems. Researcher has used random sampling method and 365 students were selected randomly. Questionnaire was used to collect the data from participants (Faryadi, 2011)..questions was simple method and human interaction was done to generate answers hence this theoretical approach is helpful in finding the best results.


Cyberbullying expose personal data of each and every person. Students who are victims of cyberbullying faces problems like stomach pain, headaches and problems while sleeping and all this factors effect their academic performance as they don't want to attend school(Alwagait, Shahzad and Alim, 2015.). It reduces interest of students in studies, their self confidence also declines and students goes into depression.


Cyberbullying effects overall performance of an individual that effects their mental stability. Schools and parents needs to take necessary steps to prevent those problems of students and help them to develop academic performance.

Article 3 Emotional and social effects of cyberbullying

Perry, M., 2015. Emotional and social effects of cyberbullying on adolescents (Doctoral dissertation, City University of Seattle).

Cyberbullying effects mental stability of each and every person who are victim of this bullying. Cyberbullying changes their overall normal life routine and effects their growth and success at a large scale. Due to increase participation and interaction over social media personal information of people due to theft and fault representation of their images will make fun of their social media that effects their confidence and self esteem and victims goes into a mental stress large number of people take a step to suicide because their not able to handle those problems and emotions and hurt themselves.

Methods used

Students need to get information about both positive and negative impacts of using electronic devices on their daily lives(Perry, 2015.) . Large number of students are unaware about privacy over social media. Any wrong step and image on social media and misused by large number of people to make an negative image. General aggression model was used and by using theories understanding about subject areas developed by scholar. Researcher has focused on using theories and using secondary data that helped in finding most accurate results.


Victims goes into anxiety, depression, anger eating disorders. People needs to get proper education and information about use of mobile phones and electronic devices. Young students are not able to adapt those bullying's and insults on social media and digital platforms and take a steps like suicides. 


Academic writing is structured and planned writing that provide information about a particular subject. Importance of academic writing means that helps to provide proper information about a topic. Cyberbullying effects overall development and lives of an individual because their personal information are on internet and that de motivates them and reduces their moral. Large number of students and teenagers are affected by bullying on social media which increase anxiety, reduces self esteem and confidence. Cyberbullying have a huge impact on overall development of their individual and youth sector of society. . It is known as online bullying when an unwanted activity or fraud is done on internet then it effects overall development of that person using social media sites. Digital devices are used to play fraud and harassment activities. Harmful content or false information is provided on internet, negative or false information is given to an individual. Sharing someone personal information online effects their life and they feel embarrass. Cyberbullying plays an negative impact on all over the society. It effects teens by posting embarrassing photos and videos on social media effects overall development of an individual.  Kids and child are become main targets of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can reach anywhere to their victims and affects their overall development. Hacking someone's account or sending threatening messages effects their overall development. Gossip and rumours over social media effects their overall development. Cyberbullying spread quickly all over the world and able to reach any individual. Cyberbullying has ability to change someone else's mental health. Kids are going in depression due to cyberbullying and it effects their overall existence. Victims of cyberbullying always feels unsafe.

All the research articles have given the same results that cyberbullying affect the life of people, as society members are spending most of their time of these social sites that affect their future badly. Bullying using online sites enhances depression among people and now it has become the major problem in young people. Quantitative studies have used the exploratory researches whereas qualitative articles were made by using theories and model.

No article has focused on particular social site such as Facebook or twitter and none of the article has described why young people are getting attracted towards it and how it will affect their future. Government data of high use of social media, suicide case due to cyberbullying are not shown in any study. The main factor that encourage the young people to use social sites and how it turns into bullying is not described in any article which is the gap in this investigation.
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