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Business Information System

University: Anglia Ruskin University

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3556
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: MOD003328
  • Downloads: 1306
Question :
  • Evaluate role of information system.
  • Give appropriate integration system.
  • Provide an appropriate strategy in relationship and management.
  • Design effective nature and functions.
Answer :
Organization Selected : Queens Marry


An information system is a vital business process for effective organizational management. It handles various aspects like data collection, storage, and distribution. Computer information systems merge people and processes, aiming to improve operations and deliver top-notch services to customers. Strategic information system strategies, as defined by Alles et al. (2018), boost business competitiveness. Innovative approaches like QAS, MIS, and ERP are utilized, alongside platforms and tools, to achieve goals efficiently. Strategic planning aligns with organizational objectives, offering numerous advantages in enhancing business processes through information systems.

Modern and advance technology is the most significantly support the entire efficiency and performance of the business process. This type of process will help for increasing the productivity and profitability all over the world. Information system strategy can save both time and money.

Information system is playing important role in the organization such as business intelligence system can run data into the different valuable insights. This strategy help to allow for increasing the speed and efficiency. The organization used the enterprise resource planning to collect, analyse and manage the data in the various areas. Information system strategy is consists of the multiple application that help for measuring the need and requirement of accounting and financing.

Role of information system strategy

It can support the different operations that perform in the organization to manage the entire task and functions in effective manner. The operational manager is keep track all the activities of business process such as transactions and elementary activities.

Knowledge level system will support to the organization knowledge and data workers to handle the functionality of enterprise processes. The information system is provided the different benefits for organization to being strategic concepts to handle the enterprise business operations in effective manner (Björklund, Abrahamsson and Johansson, 2017). It provides the clear about the specific objectives because information system will give the directions about the specific task and purpose.

This process always aware about the available resources that support to provide for managing the dynamic environment.

The information system strategic has defined the specific roles discuss followings:

  • Strategic Management- It is based on the systematic approach for performing different operations and also have main responsibilities to manage the position regarding the organization and its business environment. This management system will help for organization to compete the task in the industry, It is outdoing process to rival in the entire industry and firm.
  • Strategic Planning- It is a process or method that help for maintaining and developing the organization therefore, this method will useful in the business to maintain the consistency in between the objectives and resources. Sometimes, the resources can be changed according to the need and requirement of firms. The main purpose of strategic planning to define the documents of approach to lead the business and always increase profit and growth(Devece, Palacios and Martinez-Simarro, 2017). It is important part of organization to improve the quality of services in marketplace.
  • Strategic Operations- Strategic operation is a process that planning a specific task of the organization to used the proper resources that support to produce and manufacture the product and services. An operation strategy is basically driven by entire business planning to designed the strategy for increasing the production in effective manner. In this, it can reduce the cost of product in marketplace.

Different integration level in the organization strategy

Enterprise integration is a process to manage the important aspects of organization. This type of strategy useful for creating and implementing or evaluation taking the important decision regarding the organization. It enables to achieve the long and short term goals and objectives. In Queens Mary hospital, there are various integration process or method operates the functionality and capability of organization. It is beneficial to save more time and money. The key integrated strategy can considered in the organization as followings:

  • Personnels integration- This integration process is required for queens marry hospital to manage and control the entire enterprise process all over the world. Each and every staff members are participated equal role for increasing the brand value in marketplace. It is an essential part of business where time to time, it will interact with the patient and staff to identify their need and requirement. This process will help for build an effective integration with the patient and employees.
  • Vertical integration- This process is focused on the one or different part of supply chain to always maintain their website. This is the best platform of Queens Mary firm to provide the details to their customer (Kasemsap, 2018). Many people attract towards their dynamic site to check all necessary details in proper manner. This strategy is mainly used for organization to gain the control of firms and their value chain. In this way, the cost of product making is lower than the actual price of buying product. It is beneficial for firm to control the entire processing of enterprise activities.
  • Data integration- Data integration process or method mainly concern about the old one planning and Strategy that applicable in the business process therefore, in queens marry hospital, All staff members performs specific task to collect the details of each and every patient or provide the best quality of services that's why, it is required hospital database system that help for managing and collecting information in proper manner. Database management system is the best technique to secure and store the data in the hospital database. This queens marry clinic is also used the official website to provide all types of information on the website. In this way, Patient can easily check the details and availability of appointments. This website give all the data related the clinic , doctor specialist etc.

Ability to analyse the case study and apply the concept of universal design to web pages.

Web page is concept that applicable for designing the dynamic website effectively and efficiently. It is a process for creating plan or originating the different development of specific product and services. According to case study, It can be explain the Queens Mary website which is based on the dynamic and static web pages that provide the information to the customer and peoples (Kavanagh and Johnson, 2017). Web page design refers the process of creating an effective pages appearances and choose the layout, colour format, fonts and schema according to the need of website. Each and every single web page contain the various type of content but the pages are using different types of graphics design that looks more attractive.

Queens Mary hospital used the different template that contain the all type of elements in the web design such as CSS style, back ground colours, buttons, borders and also consist of graphics elements images, banner and bullets etc. Queens Mary website have own and specific design elements that needed because it provides the different content and basic style which applicable in the development of web pages. According to Queens Mary website, It will create different pages that consist of various content on it. There are different types of web pages included as followings:

  • Home Page
  • Online Booking appointment
  • Blogs
  • Services
  • Team
  • Contact
  • Insurance
  • FAQ
  • About
  • Quote

These are different types of web pages exists in the official website to mention of details and information related the doctor, hospitals, booking, patient details, staff members etc. This organization provide the facility to the people to book the appointment by using online mode. This is the efficient technique to solve the problem and issue to their patient and other peoples. This website is beneficial for the Queens Mary hospital to increase the demand in the marketplace therefore, it will increase the market share and values. There are important advantage of website for the business process of Queens Mary doctor's.

  • Advertising- An official website is an effective and environmental friendly for the purpose of marketing and promotions. There are different ways to promote the service by using the internet. Queen Mary firm is also used this concept to promote their different services in the marketplace. In this way, many people understand their best services and also used them (Land, 2018). In the website, it also used the SEO plan to boost their services because this plan will help for maintains the ranking of website in quickly as a result to increase the profit and sales in the marketplace.
  • Customer satisfaction- A website is more convenient for the people because it is easy platform to check the availability of services and also check the entire details of particular doctor's appointments. In this way, this website is useful for save the money or time. It is provided the better experience to the peoples.
  • Increase sales/ people- Website is the best platform for organization to increase the large number of visitors check the site and increase the more lead in their sales. Queens Mary firm always try to update and manage in proper manner. This is essential for firm to provide the latest details. It is a process that consistently promote and update the content on the site because an effective and more content help for increase the profitability in global market. If you are struggling with dissertation writing, get dissertation writing services from our professional thesis writers.
  • Accessibility- A website is the best tool and platform that access at any time and place that' why, it is very reliable and accessible. It can be available all the time therefore, people can access the website in mid night and check the details. It is a worldwide process that provide the details all over the world. It only used the internet services to offer in the various community in global ways. In this way, The Queens Mary firm expand the business services all over the world. This organization always maintain their services in proper manner to provide the more accessibility for the peoples.

In this business, there are different types of facilities and services provided to their customers and patient. It also checks the availability of appointment of doctor on the website. I can create website by using so that you can choose the login option to add the username and password.

Steps: 1


Step: 2

choose Sign in option

Step: 3

Add username :

Password: xyz@123

Step : 4

Choose the first website-

Website Address: URL-

New website Link: -


Design and implement the relational database for converting entity relationship diagram to relational tables

Entity relationship diagram is a graphical representation of different entities and attributes that are connected with each other to perform different functions. This diagram will show the relationship between the set of entities that store data in the database system. It is based on the object or component that collect and manage in the database management system. There are different types of entities and attributes represented in the diagrams such as

Entities: Entity is basically real world object that either be animate and inanimate. It can be easily identified. It is a collection of similar entities that contain the specific attributes that sharing the same type of values ( Malinowska, Cyplik and Piontek, 2017). For Example- In hospital database, there are different types of entities mention that specific attributes such as prescriptions, staff, doctor and patient etc. these are entities that representation in the database system in effective manner.

Attributes: The property of entities are called attributes in which each and every attribute contain value in the database system. There are different attributes represented of particular entities in the database system.


  • Prescriptions


  • Medicine_Name
  • Medicine_quantity
  • Medicine_time
  • Medicine_type


  • Staff


  • Staff_id
  • Staff_name
  • Staff_number
  • Staff-Email


  • Doctor


  • Doctor_id
  • Doctor_name
  • Doctor_email id
  • Doctor_phone no
  • Doctor_Gender


  • Patient


  • Patient_id
  • Patient_name
  • Patient_phone no
  • patient_DOB
  • Patient_gender
  • patient_Email id

Know more
Introduction to Information Technology - WM Morrison Supermarkets Plc.

Database system:

Database management system is a collection of data and information that organize to easily delete, access, retrieve and update the information in effective manner (Stair and Reynolds, 2017). In database system, data can be organized into different ways such as columns, tables and rows etc. It is based on the indexes that easier to find the particular proper relevant information.

Mind set and skill needed for designs and operate an effective information system to meet the business need and requirement

It is needed for the business process to design and operates the information system in effective ways where the employee can easily handle any type of business solutions. Manager has an effective skill need for improving the enterprise's perspective and their aspects. There are different skill discuss in the followings:

  • Interpersonal skill - This skill can be use every day life which help for communicating and interacting with the people. This process is based on the groups and individual. It is a necessary for manager to become good interpersonal skill to manage the professional roles and business process effectively and efficiently. This skill is able to work with the other people in the form of group and team (Wager Lee and Glaser, 2017). All the peoples are communicated with each other to share the knowledge from one person to another. In this way, it can achieve their specific goals and objectives.
  • Management and leadership skill- Management and leadership skill are necessary for business development that help for managing all the operations and function in effective manner. Manager is need to increase the performance of team and help for every manager to succeed the business objectives. In the queens marry firm, Manager is playing important role to pick the right people that has good leadership skill to build an attractive workforce. In this way, All employee work together and also support to other staff members. An effective team always beneficial for entire organization to manage the different operations and functions.
  • Analytical and Problem solving skill- This skill is needed to solve any type of problem in the business because many times, the organization face critical situation regarding the operations that's why, Manager is analysed the information and solve the problem in effective ways because they have decision making power to identify the actual need of business process(Wager Lee and Glaser, 2017).

Mind set:

  • The Action mindset- In the firms, there are different types of challenges that keep in the energies, aspirations and hope in the team or group. All members are mainly focused on the vision. For Example- in the hospital, doctor mainly focus towards their ultimate goals to provide the best quality of services to their patients. The most important ways to create an effective plan for taking important decision related the business process.
  • The Collaborative mindset- This mindset is the biggest challenges part to maintain the relationship with their employees. The collaboration between the management system and employee help for business development to achieve their targets in proper manner. Manager always trying to build the good relationship with their staff member and adopting the engagement style where all people contribute to give their own opinion related the growth and development(Wager Lee and Glaser, 2017). Engaging manager is try to listen the more than they talk and controlling the business tasks.
  • The analytical mindset- In the firms, there are large number of data already available in the organization that analysis their specific operations. Manager is analysis the quality improvement and what data can be applicable for generation of profit because manager understand due their skill and knowledge.
  • The reflective mindset- Manager is the ability to easily understand the business functions and always check the action of each work and how they contribute towards the enterprise goals and achievements. Reflective mindset is necessary to manage the business and organization activities in effective manners.

Create three forms : Doctor, Patient and Prescriptions

Doctor Form:

In this form, All the details of doctor would be mention to check the availability, time and schedule of appointment. It also contains the details such as doctor_id, doctor_name, doctor_gender, email id, phone number etc. These are important details help for fill the form.

Patient Form:

In this form, Patient details fill to check the time of booking and this form is also store the details in the hospital database. In case any business schedule therefore, the administrator contact you to provide the timing and appointment time. This form contains different details such as patient id, name, date of birth, email id, phone and doctor id etc.

Prescriptions form:

In this form, There are different information can fill in proper manner. This will provide the facility to the patient to check their prescriptions for identifying the medicine_name, type, quantity, time and doctor_id those which doctor pre scripted the medicine.

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Design and create two reports:

Report: 1

In this report, Queens Mary Doctors surgeon allows the staff members to select the specific patient to check all the details related the patient name, medicine name doctor name which provide the treatment of specific patient.

Report : 2

In this report, the management system of hospital to choose the patient that referral made by the

Mention all details of patient those referred such as patient name, medicine namer and quantity.

User guide for the system that provide the staff member and understand the use of database system.

It is important for providing the database administrator to provide the idea about the Queens Marry database system that contain all the essential information related the patient, staff members, doctor and prescriptions etc. Staff member is used the database system of clinic and easily check the details of patient. In this way, they also provide the guidance of manage their entire database system in proper manner. There are different ways to say that database system is beneficial for organization.

  • It is collecting all details and information in proper manner.
  • It is quick process to deleted, update and retrieve the information in the database management system.
  • It is reliable , fast services provided to the customers


From the above discussion, it has been concluded that for every company it is necessary to implement as well as adopt changes. So they can retain their position and grow constantly in the market area as well as competitive business environment. There are mainly two concepts i.e., calm water metaphor which stands for slow modification. Whereas, another is the white water metaphor which is related to drastic changes which take place in the business world. Enterprises in present times have transformed their all process as well as operations from calm to a white metaphor for surviving in the competitive world. Tesco is one of the leading company which adapt to each and every changes possible which can beneficial for the company. Looking for assignment help contact our experts now.

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