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Employability Skills and Abilities

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 24
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4139
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/601/0992
  • Downloads: 732
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the performance objectives.
  • What is Employability skills ?
Answer :
Organization Selected : National Trust is


Employability skills refer as those transportable abilities which are mandatory by individuals to make them employable. These skills includes good technical understanding and subject knowledge which are required and expected by employer from their employees. Employability is dependent on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of individuals and also develops upon how they apply and make use of these factors in workplace and present it in front of employers. This report is based on in context of National Trust, which was founded in 1895 by three people, Octavia Hill, Sir Robert Hunter and Canon Hardwicke Rawnsley. National Trust is a charitable trust which was established with the motive of preserving national heritage and open spaces for everyone to enjoy them (Suleman, 2018). The National Trust welcomes nearly 22 million guests each year. This assignment discusses individual responsibilities and personal performance objectives, detailing how individuals work to achieve them and improve their skills if necessary. Additionally, the report explores the concept of team dynamics, utilizing methods and techniques to develop team management skills and motivate all team members. Furthermore, solutions are suggested for problems identified within the organization among staff, examining their impacts on both financial and non-financial aspects.


P1.1.Development of on-set of responsibilities addition to performance objectives.

Employability skills are mentioned to transferable skills that an individual needs for becoming 'employable'. In my case, I am appointed by manager of National Trust at designation of Visitor Welcome Manager so that I can lead and motivate Visitor Welcome team and maintain organisational service levels by effective duty management. Following are some of my set of responsibilities which I have to focus:

  • As Visitor Welcome manager, one of my personal responsibility is to welcome visitors and ensure them that they will have memorable addition to enjoyable experiences in accordance with their expectations and needs (Okolie, Nwosu and Mlanga, 2019) .
  • The another responsibility is to set work legislations and ethics for the visitor welcome team for managing and minimising risks for staff, volunteers together with general public and ensuring compliances with suitable instructions and laws.
  • As Visitor Welcome Manager, I have a responsibility to promote membership as well as conservation messages for all the visitors of national Trust by explaining them the ways in which their membership will help in working of entire organisation.

Performance objectives

For attaining impressive as well as satisfactory results, all roles require effective performance objective which is a milestone wherein a person sets targets, finds various ways and measures to achieve them within desired time frame (Scott and et. al., 2019). In relation to Visitor welcome manager, following are my performance objectives:





Time bound

As Visitor Welcome Manager, my specific objective is to increase experience or satisfaction of visitors.

Visitors satisfaction will be measured through feedbacks about the experience they have gained from the services of National trust.

The objective will be attained through providing welcome services to all the visitors in accordance with their needs as well as experience.

I need to focus more on improving communication with visitors so to understand their expectations and accordingly execute my my ways to deliver services.

The objective will be achieved within next two months.

My next specific goal is to enhance number of membership with national Trust.

Membership numbers will be measured through analysing the population which filled forms for membership in the company.

Membership numbers will be increased through informing population about facilities that visitors will get while availing the services and motivating them for becoming member of company will help in achieving the objective.

For this, I need to improve the awareness of visitors and motivate them to apply for membership in the entity and gain future benefits.

The objective to increase membership numbers will be achieved in upcoming 3 months.

P1.2. Evaluation of own effectiveness against defined objectives.

As per the above set performance objectives, my effectiveness will be evaluated by considering the number of visitor's satisfaction and improvement of percentage of visitor's membership with National Trust. In context to increasing memberships, I evaluated that I was having some problems in communicating with people and motivating them to become part of the entity. Because of this my performance objective was not fulfilled and it impacts on my efficiency. However, it was ascertained that most of the visitors were satisfied with the services and gained some favourable experience with me and my team members. When satisfactory outcomes in visitors experience are achieved, this helped me to achieve my performance objective and rendering suitable and best services which satisfied needs of all visitors appropriately.

P1.3. Recommendations for self-improvements.

Being Visitor Welcome manager, I faced issues in communicating with visitors and my team mates which impacted on my working for achieving objectives of enhancing experiences of external parties in set time frame. So, I took initiative for analysing my own performance and found that there is huge improvement is needed in my communication with visitors and my entire team so to provide information for the benefits of memberships to visitors in proper and motivating manner (Adeyinka-Ojo, 2018). To improve the communication skills, I should undertake some training programs in which I will learn about diverse ways to communicate effectively and making other believe in my demonstration of knowledge, thoughts in proper manner.

P1.4. Reviewing the ways motivational techniques could be used for improving performance quality.

Motivation is defined as an experience of desire addition to aversions. It is important for teams and individuals as it allow them to attain all the objectives with satisfaction. Moreover, motivation is important for organisation because it helps in increasing productivity and achieving huge output levels. For improving performance quality, following are some techniques and theories which can be used at national trust:

Herzberg motivation theory: It is a two factor theory which illustrates that in an organisation, certain factors cause job satisfaction while some results in dissatisfaction. One is motivational factors and other is hygiene factors. In context to motivation factor, it includes elements like recognition, advancement, sense of achievement and responsibilities which motivates people to work hard (Mackieh and Dlhin 2019). However, hygiene factors like compensation, working conditions, interpersonal relations and administrative policies with programmes boost motivation of individual and team members that enhances day to day efficiencies for meeting standard of performance related to the job. So, in my case, reward system must be designed as per employee behaviour and objectives. They must be implemented in proper manner that motivates teams as well as personnel to gain beneficiary outcomes.

Maslow's need theory: A motivational theory which includes five tier model of individual needs which are to be met positively to achieve successful results. Prof. Maslow discovered five stages including physiological, safety, social, esteem and self actualisation that occurs in hierarchy as satisfaction of one need causes occurrence of other one. Hence, being Visitor Welcome Manager, I need to recognise the factors which will motivate my team mates and applying them for improving daily effectiveness for meeting performance standards (Ornellas, Falkner and StÃ¥lbrandt, 2019). Need Assignment Samples?Talk to our Experts!

M1. Identification and application of strategies for finding appropriate solutions.

As per above discussion, it is ascertained that various strategies are identified and applied for searching suitable solutions. The communication strategies and training programmes that are suitable solution to improve the self area that is effective against defined objective. With communicating strategy, I as Visitor Welcome Manager will be able to strengthen by communication skills so to gain wide membership with the national Trust.

D1. Using critical reflection for evaluating own work and justification of valid conclusion

Being Visitor Welcome manager, I evaluate my working efficiency through setting performance objective by using SMART technique. With this, I set my own performance objective and accordingly evaluated efficiencies that are against performance objectives. In this, I ascertained that I was not efficient to increase membership due to communication hurdles. At same time, I gained satisfactory results in increasing experiences of visitors through rendering them suitable service that helped me to achieve objective promptly.


P2.1 Examining solutions for work-based problems

In an organisation people come from several different locations, backgrounds and with number of unique skills and expertise, with a common motive of earning their livelihood. Every individual has their unique mindset and opinions which sometimes match with one another and of not then generates conflicts between employees. In National Trust, one issue is arisen and which is highlighted by the staff is ineffectiveness of couple of teams causing burden of work for others.

Managers of National Trust are responsible for resolving issues which are faced by workforce. There are some steps which is undertaken by managers to identify problem and reach to a solution in order to address individuals complaints and resolving them. These steps are as follows:

  • Problem analysis- The first phase is of determining what exactly is the problem which is faced by employees. In National Trust some team members are not effective enough to complete their assigned tasks on time. This is affecting other as they are feeling over-burdened and have to work hard in order to cover for others (Di Gregorio and et. al., 2019).
  • Researching changes in workplace- The next stage is where the manager of National Trust will monitor and conduct supervising activities for searching for change in organisation and amongst workforce. The Visitor Welcome manager will analyse the each individuals performance for gaining knowledge.
  • Generating Solutions- The last step is of generating solutions for the problems identified for resolving it and addressing complaints of staff. Visitor Welcome manager can make use of interpersonal skills in order develop more skills in personnels who are lacking in performing their jobs accordingly. Also, different motivational techniques can be used to encourage professional in positive manner and making them work with their full potential.

P2.2 Evaluation of Communication channels applicable in organisation at various levels

Communication plays an essential role in every entity to make it a success, it is basically a tool which is enables people to transfer messages form one to another (Marrington, O'Shea and Burton, 2019). Every organisation need effective communication channels to interact with one another by which they convey all work related messages and information to staff and other related parties. There are several form in which communication can take place. Managers of National Trust make use of effective communication skills in order to motivate personnels, identifying their problems and rendering them a potential solutions. In an organisation communication take place in both formal and informal manner. And these communication channels can be practised verbally or in non-verbal manner.

  • Formal and Informal communication- Formal interaction takes place between employees and top management through formal meetings or by any other method. National Trust manager can formally invite a staff meeting for spreading awareness amongst staff and motivating them to work in effective and efficient manner. On the other hand, Informal communication takes place in friend group or person to person where all involved parties are comfortable with one another and openly express their opinions. This communication channel is used by managers while they are identifying the root cause of conflicts and while monitoring staff performances. Mostly informal communication takes place in employees themselves at the time of work (Griffin and Coelhoso, 2019).
  • Verbal and Non-verbal communication- Verbal form of communication is defines as when rather than using gestures and actions, individuals are interacting and exchanging messages by sound and words. Verbal communication takes place in between manager and staff in a formal meeting. And non-verbal communication takes place without sound, such as when any data or information is delivered to personnels by using emails or messages. For instance, team managers of National Trust is addressing complaints of some employees in a meeting and for that some motivating plans are developed for making staff more effective. Such plans and benefits involved for personnels can communicated to people by using emails, as it also serves as a proof for both employer and employees. Order assignment help from our experts! 


P3.1 Explain the roles people play in a team and how they can work together to achieve shared goals

This section of the report covers the importance of teamwork and team dynamics which can help in resolving work-based problems. The different roles that are played by individuals in building team dynamics and attaining all organisational goals. For better understanding of team dynamics concept Belbin Team Roles theory is referred. This theory is a mixed work of Belbin's team, stating that there are nine cluster of behaviours and known as Belbin team roles. This study suggest that each team who need to be a success and work in appropriate manner attaining high level of performance, needs to have access to these nine Belbin team roles behaviours. Under this team roes are broadly classified into three broad categories which are Action oriented (Shaper, Implementer and Complete Finisher), People oriented (Coordinator, Team Worker and Resource Investigator) and Thought oriented (Plant, Specialist and Monitor-evaluators). This model can help National Trust managers to identify their strengthens and weaknesses within the team and overcome conflicts between employees or team members. Using this model of team development managers can easily understand the problems arising in between staff and search for potential solutions (Osmani and et. al., 2019).

P3.2 Analyse team dynamics

Team dynamics analysis is conducted by using and applying work of Tuckman and Jensen. This team development theory has five stages which assist managers to create a specialised team, manage team members and motivate staff in an appropriate way and building good relationship in between team members. These five stages are as follows:

  • Forming- Foremost stage is of team development, that is at this step teams are created by managers. Members do not have clarity of task, lack trust on each other. Managers role here is to render knowledge to team about the motive of forming them into a team.
  • Norming- At the next stage of Norming, roles and responsibilities of individuals are assigned and thoroughly described for acquiring better results. The managers of team will make efforts to make the teams environment flexible and motivate them for obtaining teams ultimate goals.
  • Storming- The next stage is the most crucial one, where if teams passes it they change into a effective team otherwise fails and dissolve at this stage only. At this step most conflicts arises and the leaders duty here is to solve them effectively, helping members and providing them with desired solutions.
  • Performing- This is the second last stage where employees are comfortable being in a team, adjust with one another, build trust, have clear picture of team aim and their roles and responsibilities. Here, managers just have to monitor and supervise the performance of individuals and provide them guidance (Allatt and Tett, 2019).
  • Adjourning- This is the last stage where, team dissolves which were formed for temporary purpose. Managers will appreciate the performances of team members, rewards them accordingly for their work.

P3.3 Suggest alternative way to complete tasks and achieve team goals

An alternative way of attaining goals and completing all team's tasks is through a self-managed team. It is a group of people who members determines their plans and day to day activities without any supervision. Such team members rely equally on each other, share responsibilities and includes each other's abilities to share their expertise. This team work for common objectives, by consulting with each other and by consistently working in the same direction to reach to teams end goal. The team members trust one another and their abilities, make maximum use of their expertise in order to make team a success. Self-managed teams are well known and frequently use innovative ideas and make use of their creative thinking for performing their tasks. This characteristic of self-managed teams motivated individuals to work more appropriately for attaining end goals. Moreover, employees share their expertise which helps to continuously improve their performances and encourage each other for reaching to higher level of performance while attaining team objectives.


P4.1 Evaluate tools and methods for developing solutions to problems

National Trust, is a charitable trust, but in current scenario company is facing some problems in relation with their workforce. Some of the employees are bullying other personnels of their team who are quite and do not express their viewpoints much. Few individuals of National Trust take advantage of this quite nature of employees, this is making them uncomfortable and demotivating them, impacts of which is shown on their performances. There are some strategies which can be applied in such situation by managers in order to evaluate the problem and providing solutions.

Training staff is one of the most effective technique, in which a thorough orienting program will be conducted for employees. In this induction and orientation session, awareness is spread amongst staff about how they can communicate their problems and openly reach to higher staff for resolving their problems. The training will also be in relation with how staff can fight against bullying they are facing in their workplace (Cotronei-Baird 2019).

In order to reduce conflicts in staff members the managers of National Trust will make use of interpersonal skills. These skills enables personnel's to be most effective in workplace, by developing effective communication skills, make them be more engaged in organisation and take initiatives. Develop social skills which helps them to build good relationship with one another and work with coordination and cooperation.

P4.2 Develop an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem

The appropriate strategy which can be adopted by National Trust for solving problems in organisation of bullying and increasing conflicts between staff members is training and development. It is an HR practice which is performed for educating staff and increasing their knowledge. Training and development sessions will be conducted for employees in which the managers will educate employees about how they can handle situation such as bullying which they are being victim of in workplace. Although it is a costly process, involving huge investment and money but organisation can use this strategy to motivate staff and moving their focus back to their work and towards organisational goals. Through this company can also improve their retention ratio and encourage staff to stick with company. For doing so National Trust, can provide more growth opportunities to professionals. Entity can generate workshops for workforce by which they get clarity of their career in National Trust and make increase in their goals setting efforts. Once training is provided and effective solutions are given to people now employers can ask for feedbacks from employees about the effectiveness of their training process. Through these feedbacks managers can get a thorough idea about their strategies applied and make changes if required to make them more effective and efficient.

P4.3 Evaluating the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy

National trust organisation effective problem solving strategy where the company is opting to conduct training and development session for the workforce in order to resolve their issues and increasing conflicts among staff along with in measures to stop bullying in the business environment and creating a safe working condition for each and every employee of the company. The training and development is one of the best HR practices which is used by national trust where the company is orienting and spreading awareness among workforce making the informed about the flexible approach of the management for dealing with any issues faced by the employees such as bullying by other staff members. With the help of training and development sessions the organisation is also providing several growth opportunities to employees which increases then and increase their focus towards the respective roles and responsibilities assigned to a particular in personnel. Training and development strategy is a bit costly and needs a lot of investment to be done by national trust but the impact of the strategy implementation on the company is very potential and necessary in order to improve the working environment for all the individuals by reducing the conflicts in the workforce.

The training and development sessions will encourage the employees towards focusing on the career and growth options by exploring there strengths and opportunities provided by the company which will increase the retention ratio of company. Impact of training and development session conducted for employees of national trust on the company's operation will be the improve performances and working attitude of people that can help company to gain effective and efficient results along with making the staff work in coordination that will ultimately improve the overall performance of the entity drinking better profits and success in the foreseeable future.

M3. Present and communicate appropriate findings

By considering the above discussion and situation it is described that bullying is increasing at workplace at day to day to manner. For this, employees take its advantage and overpower people who have introvert sort of nature or not able to communicate much by expressing their perspective and views. This problem is analysed and for this, some tools and techniques are recommended in order to find suitable solution (Hart, 2019). For this, suitable method is developed in order to provide their services to employees with suitable solutions of arising issues.

D3. Demonstrate creative thinking

The above discussion put emphasis on the problems which is faced by employees within the organisation while doing their work or pursuing job which is caused by other subordinates and co-workers. Moreover, the functions of managers are seen in order to develop group and manage them in an efficient manner. By considering the management of teams various tools and techniques are used such as Belbin's team role and Tuckman theory as it is helpful in developing and managing teams in an effective manner. Furthermore, to address the problems of employees bullying issues and conflicts manager develop a suitable system in order to stop this problem and provide appropriate solution to workforce to overcome and deal with it (Bridgstock, 2019). don't worry get coursework help from UK's leading assignment helpers.


The above report is based on employability skills and it can be summarised form it that the different skills and abilities which makes a person employable are known as employability skills. These are also, known as skill set which describes the roles and responsibilities of each individual and what actually employers is expecting out of them. In the report various tool are used to solve work-based problems such as effective use of time-management techniques. Belbin's and Tuckman team development models are looked for appropriate team management and understanding team dynamics. Motivation also, plays a vital role in performance of employees, thus Maslow's and Herzberg's motivational tool are used by Visitor Welcome manager for keeping himself and team motivated for attaining organisational goals. A the end, suitable strategies are applied for resolving potential problem of workplace bullying and conflicts within National Trust.

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