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How to Write an Appendix in APA, MLA and Chicago Style?

17 Sep 2019 35959 Views Share
Write an Appendix

The appendix assignment of a human body is considered as a supplementary organ. Actually, the use of this body organ is unknown. Some believe that it is a storage house of good bacteria, whereas others believe that it is a useless organ.

In a similar scenario, in the case of writing, an ‘appendix' is also referred to as a supplementary portion consisting of raw and factual data written after the citation page. For some, it is a useless section in an academic paper while for the others, it is a crucial section which gives an insight into the topic that has been mentioned earlier in the academic paper. However, sometimes the professor wants the students to include the appendix section, and this is where all the problem begins. The appendix is written in many styles, but APA, MLA, and Chicago is the most common. But, students having inadequate information about them often land into trouble. If writing an appendix for your assignment has also become a cause of your sleepless nights, then this blog will help you big times. This blog highlights the key points to keep in mind while writing the appendix as per different styles. Keep scrolling to know more.

Writing an Appendix Assignment: APA Style

APA, referred to as the American Psychological Association, is a scientific organization consisting of scientists, students, and educators. The organization has defined a set of rules for writing an appendix known as APA style. The main motive behind it is to make the reading compression easy to understand. Has your professor asked you to write the appendix in the APA format? If yes, then the important guidelines have been listed below.

  • The appendix is included after the reference list.
  • It is titled ‘Appendix.' Moreover, for multiple appendices, you may use the format ABC or 123.
  • Now comes the time to write the title of the appendix. Make sure that it is centred.
  • It is to be drafted as per the order of the information.
  • Irrespective of the size, each appendix ought to have their own page.
  • For implementing reference between the appendix, use words such as- see appendix A, etc., after the text.
  • Do not include indents in the first paragraph.
  • However, you can wish to use indent formatting for the rest of the section.
  • Do not forget to place double spacing between the lines.
  • Each appendix should include page numbers.
  • Including footnotes is necessary.

Reading so far, you must have known all the crucial points regarding APA style. Now, let us move on to our next section which contains guidelines of MLA style.

Writing an Appendix Assignment: MLA Style

Modern Language Association, abbreviated as MLA, is an association in the US consisting of scholars having sound knowledge of the language and literature. Founded in 1883, it has 25,000 members situated in 100 countries. It is one of the most preferred styles of the professor and therefore, it is necessary for you to master it. The guidelines of this style are listed below.

  • It is placed before the reference list.
  • Start with the heading ‘Appendix’ and for multiple appendixes use ABC or 123.
  • Place the title. The title should be centre aligned.
  • Just like APA, every appendix will follow the order of the information.
  • Including page numbers for each appendix is mandatory.
  • Each appendix should have its own page regardless of the size.
  • There should be double-spacing between the list.
  • The reference list should be written as per the alphabetical order.

Simple, isn't it? Now, next time your professor asks you to draft an appendix in MLA style, surprise him by using these vital points. Moving on, let us have an overview of Chicago style.

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Writing an Appendix Assignment: Chicago Style

The time has come to have a brief about the most respected and widely used citation style in the US. As per the assignment writing service providers, the style guide was published by the University of Chicago Press in 1906. The style is very much similar to the APA style with some differences. Grab a pen and paper to list down the important points regarding Chicago style.

Begin with ‘Appendix Writing.' Similar to APA style; the multiple appendices are titled using ABC or 123.

  • After the appendix heading, write the title (centred).
  • Times New Roman should be the font style with 12 being the font size.
  • Page numbers should be placed at the top right.
  • Remember, the page number should not be placed on the front cover.
  • The last page should include references.

These are some of the points that you should keep in mind while writing an appendix in Chicago style.

Scrolling so far, you must have got a brief about all the appendix writing style in detail. Moreover, if you still fail to follow any citation style, then ask the academics experts of Instant Assignment Help, “Kindly solve my assignment", and they would be more than happy to deliver you an impeccable piece of writing consisting of your specified appendix style. The assignment writers are highly skilled, having huge writing expertise and therefore, writing an appendix is any style will be a cakewalk for them.

Happy Academic Paper!

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