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Environment Management and Sustainability Development

University: Regent College London

  • Unit No: 15
  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2317
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 13972

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Introduction to Environment management.
  • Illustrate the positive and negative aspects of renewable energy system.
Answer :


Environment management encompasses a wide-ranging concept aimed at understanding the structure and functioning of the earth, including its impact on human life through effective management practices. It involves monitoring earth's activities and predicting future changes to minimize adverse effects on the surroundings (Aasetre and Vik, 2013). Politically, it is closely tied to decision-making regarding pollution, resource management, and ecosystem preservation. Climate change and global warming stand out as major contemporary issues, which this report will extensively address. The assignment will delve into the positive and negative facets of renewable energy systems, offering recommendations for the UK government to achieve sustainable development.

1. Climate change and global warming are burning issues. These adversely impact on the planet, possible issues related to this are as increasing temperature. It is one of the major reason of increasing global warming is high temperature. According to the report of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, it has reached to the about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. NOAA records show that 2014 was the hottest year (Özkır and BaÅŸlıgil, 2013). It affected the animals and human being to great extent. This rising temperature is the main reason of climate change and global warming, due to this many countries are facing extreme heat whereas in other location, there is extreme cool environment. Which results into earthquake, storms and bad weathers.

According to (Daft and Marcic, 2016) Changing landscapes and extreme weather events is another issue is related to this. Global warming affects the growth of plants and landscapes shifted. Changes in the environmental climate impact on the jet stream which results as in some places there is sudden cold snap (Grohar-Murray, DiCroce and Langan, 2016). Environmental protection Agency states that due to high level of greenhouse gases, continuously climate is remaining high, in some place it resulted poor weather conditions. Rainfall is the common result of this. Green house gases are occurred due to human activities which impact on the climate and increase the temperature of the earth. Which adversely affect the life of animals and plants.

Drastic increment in emission of CO2 is the another issue of global warming and climate change. According to the view of (Niyato, Lu and Wang, 2012) it is said that UK is the popular country and has many industries. Due to this pollution in the nation is increasing and quantity of CO2 is increasing rapidly. Strong green house effect increase the sea level of oceans and this cause the situation of flood, storms etc. Combustion of fossil fuels in cars and factories impact negatively on environment. Which increase carbon dioxide in the surrounding. This reduces the growth of plants thus quantity of oxygen get down which results negatively on the environment. Global sea level has been risen approx 8 inches since 1870 (Daft and Marcic, 2016).

According to the view of (Niyato, Lu and Wang, 2012)the most common effect of global warming is reduction in Arctic sea ice. In the report of IPCC it has found that it is happened due to the human activities, increasing industrialization are the main reason of it. It increases sea levels which adversely impact on the river plants and animals (Gustavo, 2013).

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2. The renewable obligation is the designed certificate which is necessary to take by each industry which is using power in access. It encourages the generation of electricity through renewable resources so that natural sources can be preserved. It provides licence to electricity suppliers. The obligations set by the department for business energy and industrial strategy (BEIS) annully. Members predict amount of electricity supply in future and according to their forecasting they issue certificates to industries (Feed-in Tariffs, 2015). In the year of 2015-2016 buy out price per ROC is £44.33, obligation level for England is 0.29 and for Ireland is 0.119. To increase the use of renewable energy RO provides incentives to such suppliers those who generated large scale of renewable electricity. Feed-in Tariffs scheme has been launched by UK government to support this ROC. Suppliers made payment into a buy fund. If there is access of production then prices will get down. Prices of buy-out fund can be reached to zero if cost of renewable and non renewable are similar (Causes of Global Warming, 2016). Role of OFGEM is to maintain register of ROCs. It functions is to calculate the buy-out price properly, receive late payments and after that this body redistribute the repayment funds. To get the certificate organizations are needed to generate electricity from several sources such as Biogas, biomass, hydro electricity, landfill gas etc. Aim of the body is to obtain 15% of energy from the renewable sources by the end of 2020. This will support to make great change in the surrounding of UK nation.

As a consultant of renewable energy, individual is required to focus on ROC, as it is a Green certificate which is issued by OFGEM (Feed-in Tariffs, 2015). As this body work for generating biomass, wind power, hydro electricity etc. Through this certificate it controls over the activity of oil and gas industry. In UK there are many oil industries which increase pollution in the environment with their production. Government has fixed amount of penalties if any supplier break the rules of the ROC (Bozarth and Handfield, 2016). For instance ROC has punished the npower company which is operating in the oil and gas sector with amount of £125,000. As npower has made mistake to report to Feed-in-Tariff. Government is providing financial support to this body. The motive of promoting REOC is to preserve the natural resource so that glo9bal warming, pollution, climate changes etc. such issues can be minimized. UK government has offered the ROC the fiscal and monitory support so that it can be developed and adverse effects of bad environment can be reduced (Causes of Global Warming, 2016).

3. In order to reduce the greenhouse gas or immense use of the water resources and land resources UK government has supported the renewable energy system that is wind power through which turbine uses the air flow for generating the electricity. It is an effective measure or alternative energy system to the fossil fuels that support in conserving the environment. It has been evaluated that in the year 2014 the capacity of global wind power increases 16% that is to 369,553 MW. For sourcing the energy UK government has focused on both Onshore and Offshore wind farms. In this renewable energy system there are different wind farms that consists of different connected wind turbine that outcome in generating the electricity at the cheaper rate than the electrical plant. As per the view of Heier (2014) wind power is also consider as the clean source that is relied or trust for attaining the long term future. This renewable energy system mainly support in creating cost effective as well as pollution free energy that support the industries in performing their operation. It is also stated that wind energy system is consider as rich source of energy that generates the power or electricity without using fossil fuels or generating radioactive toxic materiel.

Therefore, using this renewable source of energy system has both positive as well as negative aspect for the economy and companies. The foremost positive aspect of the wind energy system include that it is consider as the on the green source of energy that conserve the natural resources and do not cause the situation of pollution in the region. According to Díaz-González, Sumper and Villafáfila-Robles (2012) installation of wind turbine or system in the manufacturing process as well as transportation it positively contributes in lowering the situation of global warming in the region. On the contrary to this, Wu and (2011) has also stated that it might also have negative impact that is it may results as the key threat to the wildlife. The flying fauna that is birds can directly get hit from the rotating wind turbine that lead to the death of several birds therefore, it impact the wildlife. For instance, in US the number of wind turbine increases up to 440,000 therefore it may outcome in killing up to 976 million of the bird species (Wind Energy Pros and Cons, 2015).

According to Li, Joós and Bélanger (2010) another benefit of wind turbine energy system is that it termed as the good domestic potential that support the residential in saving the expenditures related with the energy. With the wind turbine system individual can easily generate their own electricity with the help of solar panels. On the other hand, the negative impact of wind power include that air flow is not constant it varies the force or speed of flow. Therefore, it is said that enforcing wind power so not produce the same amount or volume of electricity. The volume or quantity of producing electricity may varies in the situation sometime it may also not result in not producing the electricity.

4. In order to ensure environmental management as well as sustainable development UK government has focused on implementing different energy schemes that support in protecting and conserving the environment (Pollitt, 2010). The key energy scheme that is framed by the UK government include The CRC Energy Efficiency Schemes that is termed as mandatory for all the large organization to ensure this carbon emission scheme within the UK so that they may not affect the environmental aspect with increasing rate of carbon emission. The key purpose of implementing this scheme is to cut down the rate of carbon emission by 1.2 million tons by the year 2020.

Therefore, this UK energy scheme will directly benefit the oil and gas company to engage in the activities that will support in lowering the rate of carbon emission and it also support in attaining the sustainability aspect within the region. Another benefit of using this energy scheme is that it support the oil and gas company to enhance their positioning for attaining maximum saving with reducing the number of emission (Yusuf and, 2013). Further, it also benefit in gaining opportunity to enhance the growth and attaining reputation of the business within the UK region. Another benefit of this UK energy schemes for the oil and gas organization is that it avoid the penalty charges from the government as well as it also outcome in improving and amending the energy efficiency.

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In order to tackle the identified issues related with the global warming as well as engaging in the sustainable development through reducing the carbon emission the recommendation for UK government include implementing Kyoto Protocol. It is an international agreement that is connected with the United Nations Framework Convention in which the member states are bid to engage in the activities so that they can easily accomplish the reduction in the carbon emission rates. Along with this, Kyoto Protocol also plays vital role in the changing the climate so that they can overcome the environmental issue and support the region in attaining the sustainability. Furthermore, the key objective of implementing the international protocol include stabilization within the atmosphere so that it may attain the emission targets.

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From the above report it is summarizes that with the scarcity of natural resources organization are require to engage in the environmental practices and activities that outcome in attaining the ratio of sustainability. Along with this, the report has also concluded different issues that outcome in the situation of global warming as well as change in the climate it mainly include increase in the rate of carbon emission with the increasing sea levels due to change in the temperature level etc. further it also provide an insight knowledge regarding the UK renewable energy scheme that is Wind power scheme that support in generating the electricity. The positive and negative aspect of the energy scheme that is used by the UK government. Lastly, the report has also provided certain guidelines and recommendations to the UK government that they can engage in order to ensure sustainability.


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  • Daft, R. and Marcic, D., 2016. Understanding management. Nelson Education.
  • Díaz-González, F., Sumper, A. and Villafáfila-Robles, R., 2012. A review of energy storage technologies for wind power applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 16(4), pp.2154-2171.
  • Grohar-Murray, M. E., DiCroce, H. R. and Langan, J. C., 2016. Leadership and management in nursing. Pearson.
  • Gustavo, N., 2013. Marketing management trends in tourism and hospitality industry: Facing the 21st century environment. International Journal of Marketing Studies. 5(3). pp.13.
  • Heier, S., 2014. Grid integration of wind energy: onshore and offshore conversion systems. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Li, W., Joós, G. and Bélanger, J., 2010. Real-time simulation of a wind turbine generator coupled with a battery supercapacitor energy storage system. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 57(4). pp.1137-1145.
  • Niyato, D., Lu, X. and Wang, P., 2012. Adaptive power management for wireless base stations in a smart grid environment. IEEE Wireless Communications. 19(6). pp.44-51.
  • Özkır, V. and BaÅŸlıgil, H., 2013. Multi-objective optimization of closed-loop supply chains in uncertain environment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 41. pp.114-125.
  • Pollitt, M. G., 2010. UK renewable energy policy since privatisation. InHarnessing renewable energy in electric power systems: Theory, practice, policy. RFF Press.
  • Wu, B. and, 2011. Power conversion and control of wind energy systems. John Wiley & Sons.
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