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Can you score A+ in the maths assignment? Most of the students would answer NO! It is because they have to face countless issues while writing this assignment. Different UK students face various problems, but some of the problems remain the same for all the students. Generally, they get stuck when they solve the circle theorem questions. It can happen because the students face difficulties in understanding the circle theorem rules effectively. The UK students have to deal with the circle theorem questions in which they have to prove the theorems. These are the most time taking and confusing ones. The students don't practice enough questions, and due to this, they fail to solve them.
Well! The reasons can be anything, but the students have to submit a polished paper on time anyhow. If you have the circle theorem assignment and are worried about how to solve the circle theorem questions without any mistake, then this blog can prove helpful. Before you jump to solve the questions, must know some terms related to the circle theorem. Move ahead to know them!
Formula:r= c/2π
Formula: d=2r
Formula:Length of chord = 2√ (r2- d2)
Formula:Area of a Segment in Radians A = (½) × r2(θ - Sin θ)
Formula:C= 2πr
Formula: Y=m x+c
Formula:Arc length = 2πr (θ/360)
Formula:Area of sector = (θ/360°) × πr2
Angles Formed at the Centre and Circumference
Explanation: An angle at the center is always twice the angle at the circumference. CAB= 2CDB.
Angle in a Semicircle
Explanation: Angle in a semicircle is the right angle. Here, APB is 90°.
Angles in the Same Segment
Explanation: Angles in the same segment are always equal. In this diagram, BCE=BDE
Angles in a Cyclic Quadrilateral
Explanation: Opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral add up to 180°. Here, CFE+CDE= 180°.
Length of Tangents
Explanation: >The length of the two tangents is equal in a circle if they are drawn from one point of the circle. Here, DC = EC.
Angle Between Circle Tangent and Radius
Explanation: The angle between a tangent and a radius in a circle is the right angle. Hence, ODC= 90° and OEC= 90°.
Alternate Segment Theorem
Explanation: The angle between tangent and chord on the point (here, D) is equal to the angle in the alternate segment. As a result, ABC=CAP.
The Perpendicular from the Centre of the Circle Bisects the Chord
Explanation: Perpendicular line from the center (O) cuts the chord (CD) at the center. So, the perpendicular from the center bisects the chord. So, DBO = 90° and CBO = 90°.
Question 1. ABC are the points on the circumference, and O is the center of the circle. Angle A = 29°. You have to find the value of angle B.
Question 2. A, B, and C are the points on the circumference of the circle, and O is the center point of the circle. Angle AOB is 112°. You have to find the size of angle ACB.
Question 3. A, B, C, and D are the three points on the circumference of the circle. On the basis of this, answer the below two questions.
Question 4. Provide the answer to the below questions.
(a) Calculate the size of angle x.
(b) Support the answer with a reason.
Question 5. A, B, C, and D are three points on the circumference of a circle, and the center is O; AC is a diameter.
Angle ABD = 58°
Angle CDB = 22°
You have to find the sizes of angle ACD and ACB, with reasons for your answers.
These all 5 questions are vital. So read them effectively and then try to find their answers. You can find out the answers quickly if you know the circle theorem rules. UK students have to solve these types of questions in their assignments. Often, you have to prove the answer with reasons. GCSE students also have to solve circle theorem questions in their maths papers.
Many UK students get stuck when they try to solve the circle theorem questions and make mistakes. If you want to know what mistakes students make while writing the maths assignments, then read below. This is because you can also make such types of mistakes.
Focus on the above-mentioned mistakes and eliminate them from your paper. If you can't deal with the mistakes effectively, then also don't worry. Online assignment help providers can offer you an error-free circle theorem assignment. If you don't know which website offers the best writing help, then you must read below.
Instant Assignment Help has been offering writing assistance to UK students for more than a decade now. We have a team of professional writers. They are subject-specific experts, so they know how to deal with particular subject questions. Till now, more than 5000+ UK students have taken our help. We are the most trusted website, that is why the students choose us. If you are still thinking whether to take our maths assignment help or not, then you must read below. Here you will know some features of our website. Have a look!
Well-Structured Paper: The structure of an assignment is most important. That is why our expert writers pay more attention to it and offer you a well-structured paper.
Free Editing & Proofreading: You will not have to pay extra for proofreading and editing if you seek our writing assistance.
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Maths assignments are generally time taking; that is why most students give up on them. Focus on the above mistakes while writing to reduce the chances of errors. If you still get stuck while writing and face difficulty in understanding the circle theorem rules, then take the best writing assistance and secure the highest grade.
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